Chapter 1: A Bedtime Story/Tooks and Bagginses
Chapter 2: A Very Respectable Hobbit
Chapter 3: Very Old Friends
Chapter 4: An Unexpected Party, Part One
Chapter 5: An Unexpected Party, Part Two
Chapter 6: An Enormously Important Dwarf
Chapter 7: The Lonely Mountain
(Chapter 8 is unnecessary, but you can view it in the Deleted Chapters page. Chapter 11/12 will also likely be shortened at some point in the editing phase.)
Chapter 9: Ash and Smoke
Chapter 10: The Heart of the Mountain
Chapter 11: Polite Nothings
Chapter 12: The Company’s Quest
Chapter 13: The Necromancer
Chapter 14: Terms & Conditions
Chapter 15: Unattached
Chapter 16: The Song of the Lonely Mountain
Chapter 17: Dawn